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  • Ended 23 Mar 2023 14:58 GMT

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  • 10:00 - 15:00 GMT

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Commissions ex. VAT/sales tax: 16.00% (includes buyer's premium and online commission)
VAT/sales tax on hammer: 20.00%

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This auctioneer has chosen to not publish their results. Please contact them directly for any enquiries.

Four dart lanes comprising 48 aluminium oches, various stage boarding, BDO advertising boarding, with various stage weights (as lotted, stillage i...

Pallet comprising large quantity of various BDO clothing to include coats, hoodies, T-shirts, dart cases, handkerchiefs, ties, and hats (as lotted...

Mobile flight case comprising two Sharp LCD colour TV monitors model, LC – 32GD 0E, BENQ and Acer projectors and a Sony Digital 8 Speedy Shot came...

Two large Favero electronic design play 14 digital scoreboard complete with flight cases (scoreboard size 76cm x 59cm) (Located Milton Keynes)

Purpose-built mobile point of sale flight case and contents to include a large quantity of various dart flights and shafts (as lotted) (Located Mi...

Contents of box to include a large quantity of a BDO flights, 40th anniversary fridge magnets and key rings (as lotted) (Located Milton Keynes)

Two electronic display units complete with flight cases (please note, no cables or power leads with these units) (Located Milton Keynes)

I-Sensys MF4150 Super G3 printer, HP LaserJet 5200M printer with mobile flight case and a Brother HL – 1430 laser printer (Located Milton Keynes)

  • 56 item(s)

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